The girl child have a right to their future,they are people with bright starts and hope for a brighter tomorrow,the past culture of our father land can't determine the value of girls child education.
The girl child have a right to their future,they are people with bright starts and hope for a brighter tomorrow,the past culture of our father land can't determine the value of girls child education.
Traditional culture and intrinsic value of girls child education need to be eliminated to a new focused and development of modern culture globalization of education .
Education is key to life,education comes with great value and deep innovation and inception of the global world.
The quest for education need to be revalued in the life of this girl's,we need to give them hope some have been hurt,mentally,emotionaly and even physically, some have been even abused, or no some deep stories that hurt, let us stand up and fight for the right and freedom of the girl's,but there is an end to all, someone was stand up and fight for there freedom, to be free from this traditional cultural web of ancestral cultural beliefs that was inhereted from our four fathers world or there ancestral lineage clan.
In Nigeria cultural value and ethnic groups there are still some cultural practice where a girl is not allowed to get a good education,like they don't have there freedom to education,if there is freedom to your right,why then denying them the right to education,someone really have to stand up and awake the values of girl's child education
A girl has a right to education,she has a right not to end up in the kitchen, train a girl you are training a president, a doctor, an accountant,a life changing agent to the world,the girl child role are so important because they have strong role to play in their various community, which cannot be neglected.
Let us stand up for them, by guiding them through the right path in life and giving them moral support,campaign,ngo,groups,sponsorship,awarness,in summary let us join forces together and create the awareness of modern culture globalization of girl's child education.
#Girl child education must work#
#I stand with girl's child education#
#Girl child education must work#
#I stand with girl's child education#
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