A quest for trending issues is influencing our generation, in recent times, we all know that information is the tiny key to the air we breathe, nowadays we see pictures, videos, I mean all manner of posts that could create negative or positive feelings when shared. Nonetheless, the negative aspect of social media post will impact on the user negatively, thereby creating envy, jealousy, depression, strive, and bitterness, to mention a few. The Question simply is, why do we allow others people activities to control our mind and thought and sometimes it generate anxiety and as well develop mental and physical stress.
A quest for trending issues is influencing our generation, in recent times, we all know that information is the tiny key to the air we breathe, nowadays we see pictures, videos, I mean all manner of posts that could create negative or positive feelings when shared. Nonetheless, the negative aspect of social media post will impact on the user negatively, thereby creating envy, jealousy, depression, strive, and bitterness, to mention a few. The Question simply is, why do we allow others people activities to control our mind and thought and sometimes it generate anxiety and as well develop mental and physical stress.
All this media influencer are emotions, quotes, writing and pictures, illusion that controls the sensitive organs of your body, but when you allow it to affect you and transform your mind set, it will certainly affect your energy negatively and which determines how far you can go in life. Don’t allow social media pictures and posts control your mind set, no one is better than you nor anyone else. In this 21st century every one is striving hard to be a better version of their yesterday, don’t allow posted pictures or comments create thoughts of envy, strive and jealousy. Because most people on social media post pictures and comments to attract attention and really do not care about your negative feelings nor can hardly recognize it. Negative feelings drains your energy faster than anything else, don’t forget the theory in Physic which states that energy lost can not be regained, chose to invest ur energy positively and trust me, you will be glad you did.
So let me know your opinions or how you feel about social media influencer, Does it influencing your mind set positively or negatively?
So let me know your opinions or how you feel about social media influencer, Does it influencing your mind set positively or negatively?
A quest for trending issues that affect your sstate of mind,either positively or negatively and how you allow it to control your mind will affect your physical mental and emotional feeling.
Facebook :Abdullahi Joy Nana
Instagram :_nanatalk
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